SSYC Photo


“Yacht Club” may seem like a serious term. It gives the connotation of being upscale, requiring a jacket for dining in a formal setting and having rules like no-hats inside the building or cell phones on the premises.

That’s not SSYC. Originally, we were a “Sailing Association,” later we added the word Yacht to be included on a number of club registers, but former US Sailing President and America’s Cup Champion Gary Jobson pointed out during a visit that he knew of no other yacht club that had the word “Sailing” in its official name.

That is very much in keeping with our roots. SSYC offers a casual, no-stress environment focused on sailing. We are a member-run, volunteer organization that depends on the member-base to do nearly everything. Members may have the disposable income to support sailing (less than most folks think!) - but being pretentious is not a prerequisite for membership!